General Practitioner
Faye is a portfolio career GP with an interest in genomics, preventative healthcare and early cancer diagnosis. She qualified from St Bartholomew’s & the Royal London Medical School in 1998 and spent her first 5 years working in major teaching hospitals in London gaining experience in acute medicine and rheumatology. She realised the value of a more holistic approach to medical practice and after completing her MRCP, trained as a GP. She has more than 18 years’ experience working as a GP in Essex and the Greater London area. Faye is passionate about the concept of precision medicine and became interested in genomics due to its potential to facilitate a personalised and preventative approach to healthcare.
Through the Genomics Education Programme, she completed her Master’s degree in Genomic Medicine at the University of Cambridge last year and is currently a GP Lead for the North Thames Genomics Medicine Service Alliance (GMSA). Faye has ongoing research interests in genomics and converted her Master’s thesis into a first author publication entitled “The acceptability and clinical impact of using polygenic scores for risk-estimation of common cancers in primary care: a systematic review”, which has been accepted by the Journal of Community Genetics. She has also contributed as a GP advisor to a feasibility study incorporating multifactorial risk assessment for breast cancer into general practice (CanRisk-GP study).
Faye has extensive experience in GP education and training through her previous roles as a GP VTS Training Programme Director and GP Trainer. She has been a GP Appraiser since 2015 and MRCGP Examiner since 2010. She has a longer-term ambition to build an academic career in primary care genomics and preventative medicine.