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Sept. 2, 2022

Burnout in Educators & Supervisors in Primary Care

THIS EPISODE:  As an educator you may find yourself putting on a positive and confident persona, aimed at encouraging your 'students'.  But you are not immune to burnout.

Munir Adam is joined by Mary-Rose Shears, Primary Care Dean for South London, who leads us in a discussion about the challenges in supervising and educating our learners and colleagues.  The GPs are joined by experienced and senior members from various professions to discuss challenges and solutions.  


Mary-Rose Shears, Primary Care Dean, South London, Health Education England (HEE).

Rebecca Corneck, QN, Director of GP Nursing, South East London (SEL) ICS Training Hub

Liz Nicholls, Primary Care Tutor, Bexley Training Hub, Lead, SEL Nursing

Bianca Osei-Tutu, Physician Associate Ambassador, SEL, HEE

Graham Stretch - President of the Primary Care Pharmacy Association and Pharmacy Lead Ealing GP Federation.

This episode was produced in partnership with North-East London Training Hub.


Coaching for all NHS staff through “looking after you too” - https://www.england.nhs.uk/supporting-our-nhs-people/support-now/looking-after-you-confidential-coaching-and-support-for-the-primary-care-workforce/looking-after-you-too/

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(C)Therapeutic Reflections Limited.


00:28 - Welcome to Episode 8

03:41 - Overview of Burnout: Definition & Causes (Mary-Rose)

09:30 - Overview: Effects of Burnout & action required

12:06 - The experiences of a PA (Bianca)

21:13 - 5-Way Discussion: intro (5WD)

24:36 - 2016: The influx of Pharmacists (5WD)

28:25 - Nurse recruitment: Back then and now (5WD)

31:31 - Covid impact on GP training (5WD)

34:27 - The multiple barriers for Nurse Supervisors (5WD)

37:11 - Covid for new Pharmacy intakes (5WD)

39:57 - So what needs to happen? (5WD)

46:06 - Meeting Wellbeing needs (5WD)

50:58 - Summary by Mary-Rose

53:35 - Until next time...

54:20 - Disclaimer